Sunday, November 27

Cyber Shopping

If you are like me, you are already tired of complicated holiday sales promotions!  I am really old school in this department and just can't muster up all the whoop-la necessary to "create an event" for each specialty that comes along.   So my dear friends, here's the special you'll always get from me when shopping online:
  • Great products at great prices everyday.  No up then down then up marking.
  • Any jewelry items $20 or more will be mailed in a gift presentation box
  • Appropriate shipping options and no padding.
  • Super quick service and shipping - most of my orders from Etsy or eBay ship on the same day or within 24 hrs max of received payment
  • Great packaging for secure arrival to you
  • Full satisfaction guaranteed.  I'm thankful for the customers who shop with me!
You'll always be talking to the boss ... and she is really quite flexible! ;) 

That's the way we do it in small business operations!

Saturday, November 19

Small Business Saturday

One Woman...
     One Dream ...
         Yes - That's Small Business USA!

Having a main street store for many years was fun and challenging.  I encourage everyone to support those small businesses on your Main St. today and everyday.

And then remember for favorite small business operations that are now online thanks to great sites like Etsy.  The dream remains alive ... and as always challenging!

Tuesday, November 8

Nov 8 Go Vote

I walked the streets for you......
 I talked the talk for you .......
I fought the fight for you and won ..........

Now Go Vote Today!