Wednesday, December 11

Antique Books for Sale

Books and Ephemera For Sale

All items shipped US post and shipping extra pending zip code.  Use Contact Me for buying.

1948 Fur Collar Catalog   $15
A 1948 Catalog for Fur Collars by Imperial Fashions NY, Pomeranz Fashions Original.   This advertising flyer is an excellent resource of period style and fur identification for post WWII fashion coats.   All collars are  presented in sepia tone illustrations with detailed descriptions.

Victorian Glass, Specialties of the Nineteenth Century by Ruth Webb Lee, Fourth Edition 1944.
Published by the Author Northboro [sic] Massachusetts.  
608 pgs.  
Black and white photos and line drawings taken from old catalogs.  
Inside cover:  sepia tone print of Illinois Glass Company.  Back also has another print of workers in the building.
Dark blue cover with gold gilding.  Some wear on back cover and a slight musty smell, otherwise good condition.

1890 Book: Samantha Among The Brethern by Josiah Allen's Wife - Marietta Holley.    
Ms Holley used her pen-name to write during a period where many women used other names for their written works.  She wrote fictional stories with a feminist punch!
Hardcover  - the binding of the covers is loose but attached - some glue would be appropriate
Red with gold gilding
8 x 6 1/2 x  1 1/2 inches
Inside name:  Carrie A. Babbitt's Book
Copyright 1890 by Funk & Wagnalls Stationers' Hall, London, Eng.
437 pgs, illustrated
$15 plus shipping

A book that just begs for a cup of coffee (or tea) and a casual sit down and relax moment.  The Kyoto Costume Institute, Fashion - A History from the 18th to the 20th Century is a treasure trove of amazing photographs showing not only costume changes over the decades but also exquisite detail.  Any student of vintage clothing will love this book!  
Offered here at $25.00 plus shipping.

 Hoorah For The Bra, Cheree Berry
Not quite vintage... but totally fun and informative! This is a popup book! Just love everything about it right down to the bra strap closure. $15 +shipping