Friday, August 9

1891 and 2024: The Womens' Vote

Woman Suffrage Leaflet Published Monthly at the Office of the Woman's Journal, Boston Mass.

"Women and The State" is the title of the speech given by Hon. George F Hoar at a convention in Amherst Mass on Sept 24, 1891.

The paragraph that follows seems to capture the feeling today as more and more American female citizens are running for public office.

Now the debate between the advocates of woman suffrage and its opponents is, to my mind, but a contest between two theories of the function of the State.  If the State is to do nothing or to do little but to raise and discipline armies, to build jails and to establish police courts, the less woman has to do with it the better for her, and the better for the State, except, as I shall show presently, that even here the State must largely depend upon her for the instrumentalities which are to diminish the evil of war and less its horrors.   If on the other hand, it is so to use its forces as to put an end to these things; if education, justice, science, art, charity, the promotion of commerce and manufacture, the healing of diseases, the promoting everywhere increased reverence for the individual soul, be a function to which its great forces are to be devoted in the future, then it is indispensable that woman should have in its management her full and equal share.

VOTE - like your country depends on it!  True in 1890s and ever so true in 2024!

Monday, July 17

First Sale - Second Sale Rights?

Do not miss this article 

Small Sellers Are Getting Swept Up as Brands ‘Weaponize’ the Legal System

July 16, 2023

Every vintage merchant has a stake in what happens with cases such as these.  The trend is strong and increasing.  Your options to sell quality vintage finds with a brand label name may be at risk!

Law firms are increasingly using a tactic called “Schedule A Defendant” lawsuits to target online merchants on behalf of their clients in the name of trademark enforcement, and it’s having a devastating effect. A single lawsuit targeting hundreds of sellers at a time for selling a branded product can leave each seller owing many tens of thousands of dollars through default judgments that obliterate their businesses.

Read the full article 

Monday, October 17

Home Management Strategy

[  Book is sold ]
 The best vintage books, IMHO, are the early ones that talk about the practical skill of domestic science: home management.  Most often these are written to the attention of women and are full of old time treasured information on how to do just about every aspect of running a home.  So is it all about cleaning and feeding?  Hardly!  Hidden in-between the lines of these fabulous resources is a whole new glimpse into the power of women in 19th century and early 20th century.

My oldest book is The Practical Housekeeper and Cyclopedia of Domestic Economy, dated in 1898.  Seriously every aspect of living seems to be covered in this guide.  Any business man who failed to run a company in the same manner as the women of the home would lose his fortunes for sure.  To those who say things like : "Oh women just stayed at home and didn't have opportunity" are seriously mistaken.  I doubt there are too many people today who are charged with all the detail management of the Victorian home: Dwelling management, food supply, cost management, accounting, health care, child care, elder care, husband care (Domestic Manipulation!), manufacture and use of cements, purity of water, store room and marketing, culinary arts extraordinaire -  to name a few.

The Practical Housekeeper - sold

Just part of the topics covered in the book.

Saturday, February 19

Antique Books for Sale

These are available on the Etsy shop for complete details and buying ease.  For those under the Buy Now Direct - just sent me a request for purchase (see below)


Last but not least is a book that just begs for a cup of coffee (or tea) and a casual sit down and relax moment.  The Kyoto Costume Institute, Fashion - A History from the 18th to the 20th Century is a treasure trove of amazing photographs showing not only costume changes over the decades but also exquisite detail.  Any student of vintage clothing will love this book!  
Offered here at $25.00 plus shipping.
Use Contact form to send name/address to receive invoice.

Another special offering from my fashion library shelf: Hoorah For The Bra. Not quite vintage... but totally fun and informative! This is a popup book! Just love everything about it right down to the bra strap closure. $20 + media mail. 
Use Contact form to send name/address to receive invoice.