Wednesday, April 30

Scarf - Oh Beautiful Vintage Scarves

Go ahead, pick just one ... I dare you!   The artistry of vintage scarves abounds!

Apron Time

There are times of the year that seem to especially call out: Vintage Apron Season!  Maybe it's because of Mother's Day coming near again?  I know whenever I think about my own mom, there always seems to be an apron in the picture!

These wonderful old vintage treasures are captivating pieces of fashion history.  One for the kitchen.  One for cleaning day.  One for serving.  One for out in the garden.  One for baking with the grandchildren!  Even just hanging on a hook in the kitchen they become comfort decorating.  You name it - there is always a reason to keep an apron on hand. 

Saturday, April 26

The Belt Revival

Whenever I have a piece of vintage that is no longer in it's useable condition, I like to offer it up to designers and crafters to use for their inspired designs.   It's always interesting to see how other's eyes interpret and vision.    

A wonderful Victorian belt I kept stored for many years had lost pieces making it no longer suitable as a belt.  The fretwork of the metal however is mystical, detailed and just lovely.  Such a high end fashion accessory would have been a costly item in it's time! 
Well, Grandma is proud again!  That's just how I feel. I'm happy to say the belt is no longer lost to time.  The saga of this antique piece continues to live on thanks to the keen eye and talented hands of a modern day designer, Denise Hagood, Artist and owner of Blue Flax Studio

Here is one necklace she created.  It totally retains the feeling of the original belt while at the same time making it modern for any woman to wear!   I can't wait to see her future projects!  

You can find Denise on Facebook - you'll want to Like her page and watch the treasures that come forth!  I know I will.

1920s Fabric Terminology

While deciding which publications to release from my fashion history library, I have been browsing through a myriad of great bits and pieces of information on early 20th century clothing (and back!). 

One of the projects I've had in mind for this blog is to create sections of terminology common to vintage clothing and textiles.  So to start things off, I'm posting this Table [of] Common Domestic Materials which is found in the booklet:  Plain Dressmaking by Mary Brooks Picken 1921 published by the Woman's Institute of  Domestic Arts & Sciences. During the teens era and into the 1920s this series of instruction manuals was available for the home sewers, aka dressmakers.   Each booklet covered a different aspect and was profusely illustrated.   Anyone who sews modern clothing, re-creates period costumes or just loves vintage clothes will benefit from collecting these booklets! 

This Table is a great quick reference period guide to fabric names and descriptions!  Although there are no fabric pictures, just having a quick reference glossary can be very helpful. 

Click image for full size

Pg 1: Batiste, Bedford cord, Bobbinet, Buckram, Calico, Cambric, Canvas, Chambray, Cheesecloth
Pg 2: Chintz, Cotton challis, Cotton crepe, Cotton or Canton flannel, Cretonne, Crinoline, Damask, Denim, Dimity, Drilling, Duck, Flannelette, Galatea
Pg 3:  Gingham, Grenadine, Huckaback, Khaki, Lawn, Linon, Long cloth, Madras, Mull, Muslin, Nainsook, Organdie / Organdy
 Pg 4:  Outing flannel, Percale, Percaline, Pique, Sateen, Scrim, Seersucker, Silesia, Silkaline, Soisette, Swiss, Tarlatan, Ticking, Velveteen, Voile