Monday, October 3

Estate Clues

The fun part of working with vintage items is doing the research for the items and the estate from which they came.  Over the years I have always made private estate buying my main mode and getting direct information was much easier!   But now that the B&M shop is closed, I find myself intrigued by the auction world again. It's a fun way to keep up with the happenings in the business.  Thanks to the internet, product identification is a possible goal! 

A recent auction showed an abundance of very nice jewelry so I had to go.  The auctioneer mentioned only one fact about the woman's estate:  she traveled extensively.  One region for sure she traveled to is in the UK, Scotland, Ireland region!  How can I tell?  Take a peek at these wonderful jewels from her collection!

Robert Allinson

The upper sterling two piece Celtic pin comes from RA jewelry of Scotland.  The lovely thistle pin is enameled sterling silver.

My lady traveled even further north into the Baltic Seas around Norway and Sweden.  The next pin has very faint etchings on the back.  I can make out: Finn and also Made in Norw... (Norway)

Another region she traveled was in the American southwest.  These Native American silver jewels are still under research, but surely the Zuni and Hopi artists were obviously favorites of hers!

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